“I learned the truth at seventeen, that love was meant for beauty queens, and high school girls with clear skinned smiles, who married young and then retired, the Valentines I never knew, the Friday night charades of youth, were spent on one more beautiful, at seventeen I learned the truth....”
The truth, the truth
Is you don’t care
Otherwise you’d never dare
Spew the same old same old
Guns into gold
We’re gone now
From your self-righteous vanity
We the Parkland Seventeen
With voices strong enough to carry sanity
Once upon a time
It was our time
Up next, you said
You’ll make it better
You’ll learn from our mistakes
You’ll change the world
We went to school to learn
Chemistry, we studied it
History, you muddied it
We painted, we wrote
We danced, we played
We took our stances
On the fields you made
And oh we learned, we learned
What you’ll do for capital’s gain
What happens when you ignore the pain
When a look away world paints red in stain
How not, how not
To die in vain
We are here
We Seventeen
We’re not going anywhere
One, two, three, four
Thirteen more
We watch and wait no longer
Every day our voice gets stronger
All Rights Reserved © Peter Brav 2018